Version 1.6.2 of our popular Daily Sage app is now available for immediate download

This update resolves a number of issues reported by users, including a bug that prevented users from signing in or reported that their subscription had expired.

Learn more here.

October 12, 2020 General News, Updates



We’re proud to release version 1.0.9 (a free update in the App Store), available now.
We fixed a couple of little bugs that a handful of users noticed:

+ Fixed an issue that prevented some users from seeing the daily art

+ Fixed an issue that prevented some users from sharing the daily art thru Facebook and/or Instagram

+ Fixed an issue that prevented some users from being able to save the daily art to their camera roll

+ Fixed an issue that unexpectedly logged users out of the app and required they “sign-in” again

If you recently upgraded to the iPhone 7 and stopped receiving your daily messages, please ensure that the Daily Sage app is downloaded onto your new device (if it’s not, re-download, for free, on the App Store). Then, after approving push notifications, tap “Already a subscriber.” Your subscription should automatically re-authenticate and your messages will resume, as advertised.

Thanks to those reporting bugs and continue to help us make this app great!

November 11, 2016 Updates

iOS 10 Compatible


Available today, version 1.0.5 (a free update in the App Store) is fully compatible with iOS 10 (coming to iPhone/iPad, tomorrow).
We also fixed a couple of little bugs that a few users noticed.

Thanks to those that reported them and continue to help us make this app great!

Be sure to download the update, so you don’t miss any sage wisdom when you upgrade your iPhones!

September 12, 2016 Updates