Last week a few of you may have noticed that some of Daily Sage’s morning notifications failed to arrive on your iPhones and iPads.

This resulted from some unexpected changes made to the backend server we utilize to handle and distribute our app’s notifications worldwide. 

We are working with our provider to fix the issue, but could use your help. 

If you have a moment, please fill out this brief survey.

Your participation will help us better troubleshoot any ongoing issues and will improve the user experience overall. 

Thank you, in advance.

February 10, 2021 General News

Good news: Version 1.5 of our popular Daily Sage app is now compatible with iOS 12 and the iPhone X Series.
It is available for immediate download

Learn more here.

January 16, 2019 General News

iPhone 6
Do you remember back in high school, when we had a “word of the day” calendar to learn new words, to sporadically use throughout the day? It was a great effort to improve our vocabulary and, ultimately increase our SAT scores. I MISS those calendars.
I recently took an international holiday to mentally regroup and on the return flight, I was scrolling through years of inspirational quotes that I’ve collected: A mental pep-talk-routine I have, often. But, I was dismayed: why don’t I have these affirmations daily?
Then, inspiration struck💡!
I ordered a cocktail (to keep the juices flowing 😜) and sketched out the architecture of a new app: Daily Sage.
The app has taken on a wonderful life of its own. It went from being a product to an experience…for me and all those involved.
I’ve been actively recruiting professional entrepreneurs, mental health experts, life coaches, actors, comedians, etc. All looking to share their best life advice.
My first featured contributor recently wrote me this:
“Going back through and re-reading all of these favorite quotes of mine, I’ve realized I was actually speaking to myself this whole time. These were all messages that I selected because they at some point were the very thing I needed to hear. Spending dedicated time with them doing the artwork has been a very lovely walk down memory lane and it’s a huge reminder to keep pursuing our dreams! ;)”
So there it is: a light-weight app that delivers a quick, unobtrusive, inspirational message, every morning.
Daily affirmations to meditate with, appreciate and potentially share.
Try it for FREE, today, on the App Store!
hAPPy thursday!

August 18, 2016 General News, Updates