We’re proud to release version 1.0.9 (a free update in the App Store), available now.
We fixed a couple of little bugs that a handful of users noticed:
+ Fixed an issue that prevented some users from seeing the daily art
+ Fixed an issue that prevented some users from sharing the daily art thru Facebook and/or Instagram
+ Fixed an issue that prevented some users from being able to save the daily art to their camera roll
+ Fixed an issue that unexpectedly logged users out of the app and required they “sign-in” again
If you recently upgraded to the iPhone 7 and stopped receiving your daily messages, please ensure that the Daily Sage app is downloaded onto your new device (if it’s not, re-download, for free, on the App Store). Then, after approving push notifications, tap “Already a subscriber.” Your subscription should automatically re-authenticate and your messages will resume, as advertised.
Thanks to those reporting bugs and continue to help us make this app great!
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